50 years of dumper expertise

50 years of dumper expertise

SSafe, flexible and powerful dumpers – this is what Wacker Neuson is known for. The company can refer to its long years of expertise in the development and manufacture of innovative dumpers. Specifically, on 50 years of dumper expertise.

More productive with safety: telehandlers with driver assistance system VLS

More productive with safety: telehandlers with driver assistance system VLS

It’s clear that overload protection when raising, lowering and transporting with telehandlers means a lot for safety on the construction site. But how does this safety feature go along with productive and efficient work? With a telehandler by Wacker Neuson, it becomes possible, as all models are equipped with the Vertical Lift System (VLS), a driver assistance system that really has it all.

2 stroke rammers by Wacker Neuson: lowest overall emissions on the market

2 stroke rammers by Wacker Neuson: lowest overall emissions on the market

Compaction machines have a long tradition at Wacker Neuson. This tradition has its beginning in the year 1930, as Hermann Wacker invents the first electric vibratory rammer. Then, in the fifties, the first vibratory rammer, with an internal combustion engine, makes its entrance – again, a revolution in the industry, as now, autonomous working is possible independent of power cables. The success of the light and flexible compaction machine keeps going. In the meantime, Wacker Neuson offers a wide portfolio of a variety of vibratory rammer models – with the choice of gasoline, diesel or battery drive. This also includes low-emission 2 stroke rammers.

Soil compaction in Munich: from vibratory rammer to roller, everything in application

Soil compaction in Munich: from vibratory rammer to roller, everything in application

Vibratory rammers, plates, rollers – Wacker Neuson offers the right compaction equipment for almost every application: from the 30-kilogram vibratory rammer to the 7-metric ton drum roller, the right equipment is available for every type of soil compaction. How does this work in practice? It works like this, here on one of the Kassecker construction company’s construction sites in the Munich inner city, where the wide range of the Wacker Neuson portfolio for soil compaction is put into application.

Experts in discussion: What are the advantages of the Dual View Dumper?

Experts in discussion: What are the advantages of the Dual View Dumper?

Dumpers – also called dump trucks – are very well known in the construction industry and very popular due to their numerous advantages in transporting material. The concept of the “Dual View” Dumper is totally new. In addition to the typical advantages such as flexible application areas, off-road capability and cost advantages, the Dual View Dumpers by Wacker Neuson add one more: a seat and control panel you can rotate by 180 degrees. Stefan Kurzmann, product expert on dumpers at Wacker Neuson, explains in an interview how customers can work even more safely and efficiently with it.
