2 stroke rammers by Wacker Neuson: lowest overall emissions on the market

2 stroke rammers by Wacker Neuson: lowest overall emissions on the market

Compaction machines have a long tradition at Wacker Neuson. This tradition has its beginning in the year 1930, as Hermann Wacker invents the first electric vibratory rammer. Then, in the fifties, the first vibratory rammer, with an internal combustion engine, makes its entrance – again, a revolution in the industry, as now, autonomous working is possible independent of power cables. The success of the light and flexible compaction machine keeps going. In the meantime, Wacker Neuson offers a wide portfolio of a variety of vibratory rammer models – with the choice of gasoline, diesel or battery drive. This also includes low-emission 2 stroke rammers.

Soil compaction in Munich: from vibratory rammer to roller, everything in application

Soil compaction in Munich: from vibratory rammer to roller, everything in application

Vibratory rammers, plates, rollers – Wacker Neuson offers the right compaction equipment for almost every application: from the 30-kilogram vibratory rammer to the 7-metric ton drum roller, the right equipment is available for every type of soil compaction. How does this work in practice? It works like this, here on one of the Kassecker construction company’s construction sites in the Munich inner city, where the wide range of the Wacker Neuson portfolio for soil compaction is put into application.

Mega project in Hong Kong: Consultation in concrete technology by Wacker Neuson concrete solutions

Mega project in Hong Kong: Consultation in concrete technology by Wacker Neuson concrete solutions

Accepting challenges, developing solutions and accompanying projects – the Wacker Neuson concrete specialists are involved in these tasks. This was also the case with a superlative project in Hong Kong: A gigantic road tunnel that will connect the city of Tuen Mun (area 40) with Chek Lap Kok airport on Lantau island. The tunnel is part of a major project for connecting the metropolitan area Hong Kong – Zuhai – Macao. Two tunnel tubes with four lanes are being constructed over a length of around five kilometers with the world’s largest tunnel boring machine. The work will take place up to 55 meters below the sea surface.

Green construction site all around: emission-free design of a desert and jungle house

Green construction site all around: emission-free design of a desert and jungle house

It is called the “hellhole of creation” – the Danakil Desert in Ethiopia. This desert gave its name to the Danakil House, which will open its doors to visitors at the German National Garden Show (BUGA) 2021. But how can the desert and jungle house be designed without damaging the exotic plants through exhaust emissions? Quite simply: with emission-free solutions from Wacker Neuson. A visit to the – in two senses – green construction site in Erfurt, Germany.

Emission-free demolition in medieval fortress

Emission-free demolition in medieval fortress

Breaking up concrete floors? No problem. And that in an underground vault? Challenging – but solvable. During the reconstruction of a part of the Rosenberg fortress in Kronach, Upper Franconia, only machines with compact dimensions that could be used in confined spaces and work without exhaust emissions were considered for this task. An ideal construction site for Wacker Neuson’s zero emission solutions.
